Monday, December 9, 2019
- Students should now be finished the novel they are going to present for the book talk. Students will have the option to present BEFORE or AFTER the winter break. Yes, they have a choice - all should be ready to go before the break, but if some students would like the extra time of the break to practice, that's fine by me. If someone wants to get it done and fully relax before the break, that's o.k. by me too.
- I have added a new Topic on the GC called "QUIZLET". This is a place where I will add links to electronic flashcards to practice our current topics of study. I posted a bevy of quizlets this weekend, and they serve as an excellent way to review what we're studying when you have a few minutes. Currently there are French, History, and Math links.
- Grade 8 Parents: a list of all high school open house events can be found here. **** AURORA HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE DATE CHANGE: Wednesday, December 11, 6-8 p.m.
KUDOS: to Emma, Nathan, and Paige for being finalists in the art challenge. As well, kudos to Rachel for making several passes and shots in basketball.
- There will be time in class for S.U.A.R. this week, so please ensure you have your novel EVERY day in class
- There will be time in class for S.U.A.R. this week, so please ensure you have your novel EVERY day in class
- Watch distributive property videos (watch the Math Antics and the Khan academy)-
- Grade 7 and 8 worksheet for Thursday: 7 - Plains of Abraham; grade 8: The Iron Road. Read and respond to questions. Do not do the Alex Mac research.
- Grade 7 and 8 will be presenting their findings next week (grade 7: battle of the Plains of Abraham; grade 8: Obstacles in the Way)
- Grade 7 and 8 will be presenting their findings next week (grade 7: battle of the Plains of Abraham; grade 8: Obstacles in the Way)
- Grade 8 Test Wednesday: cells. Make sure all of your notes are put together
- Grade 7 test Wednesday: invasive species
- Grade 7 test Wednesday: invasive species
- We are moving one step closer to our 12 minute run - we're now running for 7 minutes! Some kids are struggling with this and need to be more active outside of school. Feel free to say the following a la 1970s style: "Mr. Le Moine said I need to kick you off the couch and get you outside until the lights come on."