Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Kudos to: Nika, for helping a peer with SLC. Also, kudos to Rumaisa for helping a peer.
QOTD: "Now you have to take that guitar and smash it on the ground." Jordie to Dorsa. I have no idea why this was said.
- Grade 7: Read at least 30 minutes
- Grade 8: Read at least 30 minutes
- Grade 8: Read at least 30 minutes
- Sign the SK for the Geometry Unit
- 8 Math: complete the communication problem on the GC called: "Parallel or not?" This is homework for tonight. As well, 7.3/7.4
- 7 Math: last year's geometry test is online! It's a google form. Super fun!
- Grade 8: Link to a few activities with transversals and parallel lines is on the Google class. If you're having difficulty with this, go to this site!
- Math Quizzes on basic numeracy; this is how you will be tested:
1. Addition: 11-20, 30 questions, 5 seconds max
2. Subtraction: 0-20, 30 questions, 5 seconds max
3. Multiplication: 0-10, 30 questions, 5 seconds max
4. Division: 1-10, 30 questions, 5 second max
Once you have perfect on all 4, you are done!
- Worksheets: work at these piecemeal: this means to do a bit at a time. From time to time come and show me the work you have done.
- History test came home. Please sign it and return it with your child to Mr. Le Moine
- TWITN for this week: Charlotte, Emma, Addison,
- TWITN for this week: Charlotte, Emma, Addison,
- Quiz: Verb Avoir on Thursday
- Join the Duolingo Classroom! Check it out on the GC!
- Join the Duolingo Classroom! Check it out on the GC!
-Grade 7: bring supplies for imaginary creature project tomorrow
-Grade 7: bring supplies for imaginary creature project tomorrow
- soap carving is due next class