Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020
Housekeeping : KUDOS: to Huskies for winning the Snow Day double-period Kinball challenge! QOTD: GOOD NEWS VIEWS: English: - Read your novel 30 minutes / night - Reading Response #7 due Thursday at midnight. - Seedfolks vocab ch 7: due Thursday - Bring SSR book! Math: - All textbook and workbook questions are due tomorrow by the end of the day. - Math test has been moved to Monday Geography : - grade 8 workbook activity 2 due Friday - grade 8: make a list of 8 settlement factors in your notes. E.g. "weather" affects where people decide to live. Find 7 more! Due Friday French : - Bring headphones or ear buds - Science : - grade 8 test on Monday. Practice test can be done by Wednesday night. Health/Phys-Ed : - Practice reading your PSA aloud. Time it to ensure it is under 20 seconds. Finally, make sure you add a call to action. - Push-ups and flexibility testi...