Thursday, December 19, 2019
- Book talks are due before the break. Courtney and I have now conferenced with each student. What can you do to help your child? As them to deliver the following: the hook, the background, their points, their context/commentary, and their text to text connection. Students should be re-reading their novels and selecting their points. By "points", I mean they should be deciding "reasons for reading the novel". If they are not convincing you to read this book, it won't go well!
- We are doing Secret Santa in our class. If you want to make a gift, go for it! You can even make a card and write a kind message. If you wish to purchase a gift, the maximum is $10.00.
- We will be increasing our reading at home over the second term, so start looking around for good books to read!
KUDOS: to Ava H. and Rachel for volunteering to go first for the book talks!
QOTD: "Keep the lemon out!" -The boys
- Rehearse. Rehearse. Rehearse. (book talks)
- Sign the "Greta Thunberg" inference writing piece (Friday is deadline)
- Practice balancing equations: I have posted an assignment on the GC with MULTIPLE equation balance games. After playing several of the games, try the final link (XP Math - Math Games Arcade...) as it serves as an excellent test of your knowledge.- Grade 8: 10.5 (questions 1 and 2) Grade 7: 10.3
- Grade 8: Manitoba worksheet due Thursday after the break
- Grade 7: Expulsion of Acadians due the Thursday after the break
- Grade 7: Expulsion of Acadians due the Thursday after the break
- Practice reading your PSA aloud. Time it to ensure it is under 20 seconds. Finally, make sure you add a call to action.