Tuesday, November 12, 2019
- Grade 8 Parents: a list of all high school open house events can be found here
- Read over the Student-led conference rubric with someone at home (not a pet). Make sure you are prepared for your conference!
Kudos to: Connor, for being the first to complete his Student-Led conference.
- Grade 7: I have handed back your "My Life Map" planning. Make the necessary edits and changes, create your life map, and re-submit the work by Thursday, November 14th.
- Grade 8: three questions to answer in a Board survey regarding our visit to High School last week. It's on the GC and is due Thursday.
- Passion Projects (#1) are due Thursday, November 14.
- Grade 8: three questions to answer in a Board survey regarding our visit to High School last week. It's on the GC and is due Thursday.
- Passion Projects (#1) are due Thursday, November 14.
- Sign the SK for the Geometry Unit
- Grade 7: 7.2
- Grade 8: 7.2
- Grade 7 Equilateral Triangle story is due Thursday. There is an assignment on google classroom.
- History test came home. Please sign it and return it with your child to Mr. Le Moine
- Grade 7 quiz tomorrow on Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Students were given a list of questions (which were taken up with Ms. Woodhead). The quiz will be multiple choice.
- Grade 8 quiz tomorrow on the reasons for and against Confederation. Multiple choice.
- TWITN for this week: Charlotte, Emma, Addison,
- Grade 7 quiz tomorrow on Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Students were given a list of questions (which were taken up with Ms. Woodhead). The quiz will be multiple choice.
- Grade 8 quiz tomorrow on the reasons for and against Confederation. Multiple choice.
- TWITN for this week: Charlotte, Emma, Addison,
- Join the Duolingo Classroom! Check it out on the GC!
- Reading test Wednesday
- Reading test Wednesday
-Ecosystem poster (grade 7) due Monday