Monday, November 25, DAY 1


- Grade 8 Parents: a list of all high school open house events can be found here




- Egghead responses (summative task) have been returned (grade 8).

- Grade 7: Read at least 30 minutes

- Grade 8: Read at least 30 minutes

- Sign the SK for the Geometry Unit

- 8 Math: test tomorrow!  This will be divided into two parts: Part 1 will be the practical hands-on test where students will be asked to create a series of angles using a compass.  The second part will be the communication test.  Best way to prepare?  Look at last year's test, go over the questions in the workbook, and look at the questions in the textbook.  FINALLY: there is no "Let Statement" sheet for this test, so make sure you can identify and explain the following laws: opposite, interior, alternate, and corresponding
8 MATH: I have posted the pictures  from today's problems on the GC

- 7 Math:  test tomorrow!  This will be a google form multiple choice test to see what the grade 7s know about polygons.  Best way to prepare?  Look at last year's test (also a google form), and review the notes about what is a polygon and what isn't.  

- Worksheets: work at these piecemeal: this means to do a bit at a time.  From time to time come and show me the work you have done. 


- History test came home.  Please sign it and return it with your child to Mr. Le Moine

TWITN: Charlotte, Emma, and Addison

- Quiz: Verb Avoir on Tuesday
- Join the Duolingo Classroom!  Check it out on the GC!




- We are moving one step closer to our 12 minute run - we're now running for 7 minutes! Some kids are struggling with this and need to be more active outside of school.  Feel free to say the following a la 1970s style: "Mr. Le Moine said I need to kick you off the couch and get you outside until the lights come on." 


- soap carving is overdue



- write a conversation for next class (the overhearing conversation)

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