Monday, September 9, 2019
-The tear-away portion of the class letter was due today. If it's not back yet, it's late!-Sign and return your child's learning skills evaluation sheet-Booklet of forms due September 10
-subscribe to blog (now late!)-complete parent communication form (now late!)-join google class (now late!) Here's the link: Le Moine Google Class and here's the code: e99jt1. If you have difficulty finding it, you have to first sign in to your gapps account.
Kudos to: Connor, for showing us how to manipulate the double-sided tokens with such mastery! Great visual-spatial skills!
QOTD: "By the end of the year I hope to have..." (Mr. Le Moine)
"....A boyfriend!!!!" Jenkins
- Here's a link to today's Monday's Movie if you would like to watch it again: Unit Rates
- Complete the dart question
- Complete the Monday section on the weekly Warmup sheet
- Complete the dart question
- Complete the Monday section on the weekly Warmup sheet
- Finish researching your 2 items for "We didn't start the fire". This is due Thursday.-paragraph about "We Didn't Start the Fire" is due Thursday. The assignment is on Google Class.
-Make sure you have the first two songs copied into your notes.