Thursday, March 12, 2020
Housekeeping : Grade 8s: Bring a baby photo or an electronic version of that photo + bring a candid shot. "Hand" these in to Nika by Friday, April 3rd. Grade 8 Grad: June 16th. Pyjama day on Friday - this will be a house challenge (by percentage) KUDOS: To Rachel for submitting some amazing drawings, MacKenna for doing some experiments with heat and food, and to Hannah for also drawing some beauty pics. QOTD: "... GOOD NEWS VIEWS: English: - - Read your novel 30 minutes / night - Bring SSR book! Math: - Grade 7: 2.4 is due FRIDAY - Grade 8: 2.4 is due FRIDAY - Math quiz FRIDAY: mental math 1%, 5%, and 10% (and some quirky ones too - 17%, 29%...) Geography : - Geography, page 20 (grade 7), page 23 (grade 8) French : - Bring headphones or ear buds - Science : - Health/Phys-Ed : - Practice reading your PSA aloud. Time it to ensure it is under 20 seconds. Finally, make s...