Thursday, October 31, 2019
Housekeeping : - Grade 7 Parents: don't forget on Tuesday to send your child to school with lots of warm layers and a decent pack lunch (our field trip to Sainte-Marie). - Grade 8 Parents: the permission form for the trip to Aurora High is now late. - Grade 8 Parents: a list of all high school open house events can be found here - Tennis balls - bring one to class! We are still 4 short - The sign up for parent-teacher interviews came home (the large blue form). Some items to remember about setting up an interview: 1. It's first come, first serve 2. If you have more than one child in the school, only submit ONE form. Send it to school with the eldest child. Kudos to : Kyle, for missing out on the Spooky Stories to help a friend catch up in math. QOTD : K English: - - Passion Projects (#1) are due Thursday, November 14. - - Math : - Times Tables : we did the baseline evaluation today. If y...