
Showing posts from April, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Housekeeping : We may have made a breakthrough with the Google Read and Write/PDF reader today (thanks to Rachel and Rumaisa).  Watch the video here  if you are having difficulty writing or typing on a PDF.   We get to start Google Meet tomorrow - cameras off.  I will schedule a meeting on google classroom, and you just have to click on the link to join.  Here are the rules:  Rules for a Google Meet ⭐ Cameras are always off. ALWAYS. ⭐ Audio is also off. There will be times to talk, but with potentially 35 kids on at one time, I will be giving directions as to when to use audio. ⭐ When using the chat feature (in the sidebar) be respectful:  Use kind, polite words and ideas only ⭐ Be Responsible:  Ask yourself, “Is this an appropriate thing to write for all students and families to see?” ⭐ Be Safe:  Never include personal information KUDOS:  To Mehrshad for being the first to solve the initial brain tickler ma...

Sunday, April 5, 2020

SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT EDITION! Housekeeping : We begin our online journey tomorrow starting at 9:30 a.m.!  For those who can be online at that time, I will be posting an Office Hours shared document for questions, as well as a number of pieces of work.  It may seem like it's overwhelming at first, but rest assured, we will all get used to a new routine.  As always, I'm open to suggestions, so feel free to share them during office hours (tomorrow is 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.).   If you can't be online at that time, never fear!  All documents are posted on the Google Classroom and will be available to view and/or edit at a time more convenient to you. Before we begin, I would like all parents/guardians to review one more time the rules for using a shared document - this is your homework tonight! Rules for a Shared Document ⭐ Avoid “texting” short forms ⭐ Be Respectful:  Use kind, polite words and ideas only ⭐ Be Responsible:  Ask yourself...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Housekeeping : Man, I miss you guys!  Tomorrow, I will be sending a message to all parents via EDSBY which will include my office hours, how I will be teaching, and means of communicating with me.  Parents: through repeated efforts, I (with the help of some parents) discovered that when I send a group message via EDSBY, it's a one-way street; there is no way for parents to respond (kind of like a blog post).  As such, I will save Board-related messages for EDSBY, and daily work will be posted here on the blog.  You can always email me at any questions, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.   KUDOS:  To everyone who respects social distancing QOTD:  "This should be over by March Break..." GOOD NEWS VIEWS: People around the world are taking a moment in the evening to cheer on our front line health care workers.  Video English: -  Math: -  Geography : -...