Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Housekeeping : We may have made a breakthrough with the Google Read and Write/PDF reader today (thanks to Rachel and Rumaisa). Watch the video here if you are having difficulty writing or typing on a PDF. We get to start Google Meet tomorrow - cameras off. I will schedule a meeting on google classroom, and you just have to click on the link to join. Here are the rules: Rules for a Google Meet ⭐ Cameras are always off. ALWAYS. ⭐ Audio is also off. There will be times to talk, but with potentially 35 kids on at one time, I will be giving directions as to when to use audio. ⭐ When using the chat feature (in the sidebar) be respectful: Use kind, polite words and ideas only ⭐ Be Responsible: Ask yourself, “Is this an appropriate thing to write for all students and families to see?” ⭐ Be Safe: Never include personal information KUDOS: To Mehrshad for being the first to solve the initial brain tickler ma...